Search operation is on to find out the B Tech student of IIT-Guwahati who has been missing since Saturday. Final year student Ajay Kumar Yadav, who hails from Jaipur in Rajasthan, was last seen by his classmates on Friday. The student used to stay in IIT-Guwahati hostel. Classmates and teachers tried to call him on his mobile but found it switched off. IIT-G authorities have filed a missing person complaint in this regard at the Amingaon police station.
Guwahati, December 18, 2024: The School of Social Work at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Guwahati Off-Campus, held its first-ever Inhmukhawm: Field Work Organisations’ Meet on Wednesday. The event, themed "Buen Vivr: Co-building a Sustainable and Just Future," brought together nearly 100 participants, including grassroots organizations, NGOs, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) representatives. Aligning with the International World Social Work Day 2024, the gathering focused on social work, sustainability, and justice, providing a platform for dialogue, learning, and collaborative innovation to enhance student fieldwork initiatives.
The event commenced with a warm...
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