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Book fair and science exhibition at Udalguri

Udalguri district administration and office of the Inspector of Schools,Udalguri have organised a three day long Grantha Surabhi and Bijnan Jeuti ( book fair and science exhibition) under the guidelines of the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) got underway at Udalguri HS school premises on May 2 which was attended by all the 37 high and higher secondary schools of Udalguri district with much enthusiasm.“Now, the Grantha Surabhi and Bijnan Jeuti, the book fair and science exhibition organized by us among the schools under the Udalguri district circle under the guidelines of the RMSA will have positive effect upon the students and teachers as well.” M. Banu, inspector of schools of Udalguri district circle said while explaining the purpose, aims and objectives of the RMSA initiatives to popularize the reading habit and innovative science among the students in the opening ceremony. Addressing the mammoth gathering of students and teachers on the occasion, Nilakanta Goyary, president of Udalguri District Bodo Sahitya Sabha observed that if given opportunities, there are dozens of hidden talents among the students who could explore their skills in innovative science. The meeting was also addressed by Rihon Daimari, MLA of Udalguri LAC, Kartick Ch. Boro, MCLA of Harisinga constituency among many others which was chaired by Madhaw Prasad Sarmah, Project Director, DRDA and chairman of organizing committee.

It is to be noted that the Grantha Surabhi (book fair) and Bijnan Jeuti ( science exhibition) witnessed overwhelming response from the students ad teachers including those from the private schools of the district on the first day of three day long event. The book fair on the occasion was inaugurated by Rihon Daimari, MLA of Udalguri LAC. There are 37 high schools and higher secondary schools of Udalguri district taking part in the book fair and science exhibition under the guidelines of the RMSA. The RMSA also provided Rs. 10,000 to each secondary schools to purchase books for their school libraries on the occasion while the participating school teams in science exhibition will also get Rs. 500 each and the best three science projects will be awarded Rs. 5000/-,Rs. 3000/- and Rs. 2000/- while from the best two of the teachers participants will be awarded Rs. 4000/- and Rs. 2000/- respectively. A total of 30 publishers in combination of four book stalls from Guwahati participated in the book fair. The book fair cum science exhibition will come to an end on May 4 next with prize distribution and cultural programme.


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Assam Times very useful for me and my family. Long live Assam Times. Munin


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