The central bureau of investigation probing the coal subsidy scam on Tuesday raided the residence of former AIDC managing director Noor Mahammad. The raid was conducted at his residence in Hajo in connection with coal subsidy scam. The country’s premier investigation agency is yet to disclose the details of the three hour long raid. CBI seized some documents from his Guwahati based residence in September. CBI is likely to conduct more raids in some other places to probe the 70 crore rupee scam.
The Asom Gana Parishad demands early steps to seal the Indo- Bangladesh border to help the state check unabated illegal immigration from across the border.
Participating at a seminar in Delhi on Saturday, AGP president Prafulla Kumar Mahanta said that the Centre was responsible for failing to stop influx. He said that unless the Centre steps in to seal the border, the exodus of Bangladeshi immigrants would continue. The seminar was organised by the Delhi Chapter of All Assam Lawyers' Association.
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