The general Secretary Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti ( KMSS) Akhil Gogoi with thousands of his supporters on Thursday staged a dharna to submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister of India , through the deputy commissioner of Nagaon Assam, At Nagaon near the Deputy Commisioner’s Office.
The Memorandum contained these three broad points : Scrap Land Transfer agreement to Bangladesh . The agreement was done during Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Visit to Bangladesh; Scrap Lower Subhansiri Hydro –Project; and Implement Forest Rights Act 2006.
The Sit- In demonstration started around 12 Noon in which Akhil Gogoi and his supporters sat on the road near the DC Office. This continued till 4 pm. The Deputy Commisioner however did not come out to receive the memorandum.
After that the police used mild force to disperse the crowd and three tear gas shells were also fired.
Akhil Gogoi claimed to hit by the back side of a rifle behind his head and being manhandled by the security forces. He later got unconscious for some time and again regained conciousness. Later he was taken to the Nagaon Civil Hospital in an ambulance.
The Nagaon District Administration had made tight security arrangements to handle any unwanted situation.
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