“I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making they have an effective voice, an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people; an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There can be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability, or the curse of intoxicating drinks ad drugs. Women will enjoy the same rights as men. We shall be at peace with all the rest of the world. This is the India of my dreams”. Mohandas Karam Chand Gandhi
Sadly we Indians have failed to live up to the India of the mahatma’s dreams. For India is still afflicted by the maladies that the Mahatma wished to eradicate. The evils of castism, untouchability, dowry are still rampant in our country. Women are still persecuted here in the form of female foeticide etc and violence is an ever present reality. India though it claims to have progressed technologically has still a long way to go spiritually.
It was by this great man’s vision that India got a much needed boost in the freedom struggle. The mahatma found India in a state of slavery and left it a land of free individuals. His preaching of non violence and Satyagraha compelled the British to leave India. But now his teachings of non violence has become just a lesson in our history books and nothing more for violence in the name of communal riots, terrorist strikes and crime are very much a part of Indian culture.
Today's society needs Gandhian approach the most for the world is reeling under the onslaught of terrorism which is an extreme form of violence.
Today on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the father of the nation which is also being observed as Non Violence Day let us once again pledge sincerely to built a nation based on his ideals. A routine and hypocritical oath is not enough for today India needs a new Gandhi who will once again light the beacon of peace and unity in our divided hearts.
Sadly we Indians have failed to live up to the India of the mahatma’s dreams. For India is still afflicted by the maladies that the Mahatma wished to eradicate. The evils of castism, untouchability, dowry are still rampant in our country. Women are still persecuted here in the form of female foeticide etc and violence is an ever present reality. India though it claims to have progressed technologically has still a long way to go spiritually.
It was by this great man’s vision that India got a much needed boost in the freedom struggle. The mahatma found India in a state of slavery and left it a land of free individuals. His preaching of non violence and Satyagraha compelled the British to leave India. But now his teachings of non violence has become just a lesson in our history books and nothing more for violence in the name of communal riots, terrorist strikes and crime are very much a part of Indian culture.
Today's society needs Gandhian approach the most for the world is reeling under the onslaught of terrorism which is an extreme form of violence.
Today on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the father of the nation which is also being observed as Non Violence Day let us once again pledge sincerely to built a nation based on his ideals. A routine and hypocritical oath is not enough for today India needs a new Gandhi who will once again light the beacon of peace and unity in our divided hearts.
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