An assistant teacher named, Nepal Sarmah of Haiborgaon Adarsha Vidyalaya was suspended recently by an order by the Inspector of Schools, Nagaon district. According to the information, the assistant teacher, few days back, assulted the headmaster of the school for some personal grudge, that has been strongly condemned by the teaching staff and employees besides the students of the school.
RAHA: Police in Raha have caught Ratul Nath on Friday two days after the inmate in the Jorhat Central Jail vanished under mysterious circumstances. Ratul, a murder convict was held in the morning hours after he reached his home. He confessed to have escaped from the jail and reached Dergaon on foot and then he boarded on a truck to reach Raha who police arrested against to send back to Jorhat. A local court in Nagaon convicted him in a shocking murder case and sent him to the Jorhat Central Jail.
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