Assam also joins the census operation which began accross the country on Thursday. A group of the Kamrup district officials deployed in census operation reached the official residence of chief minister Tarun Gogoi and kicked started the operation. Immediately after it they left for the Raj Bhawan and met Governer J B Patnaik for collecting is information.
The transfer and posting of a senior police officer, attached to the anti corruption cell has raised doubts over the Sonowal government's vision of a corruption-free society. In a bid that evoked sharp reaction across the state, the government has transferred Mukul Saikia at a time when he was firmly dealing with a few sensational investigations. The senior IPS officer is known for his firmness' and submitted many fearless revelations in the past. Of, late, he was heading the investigations of the multi crore scam social welfare scam apart from the cash for job scam in the Assam Public Service Commission. But suddenly the government issued a notification on Wednesday reposting him as...
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