JNV Darrang prepares for watching Total Solar Eclipse of July 22
Teachers and students of Jawahar Novodaya Vidyalaya, Kalaigaon have been busy preparing for watching the total solar eclipse of July 22, the greatest celestial event of the century, A workshop was arranged at the school premises on July 4 in the evening by Madhab Sarmah, Principal, JNV Darrang. More than 500 students of the school and the teachers attended the evening workshop to listen to speech of U.N. Deka, noted astronomer and secretary of Pragjyotish Amateur Astronomers’ Association, ( Guwahati Planetarium). With the help of multimedia presentation, astronomer Deka, explained about various aspects of solar and lunar eclipses. He said that Indian people had never been much interested in watching the celestial beauties; while people from advanced countries used to travel thousands of kilometers for watching the total solar eclipses around the world. According to him the forthcoming total solar eclipse of July 22, 2009 is of great significance, as the next such total solar eclipse w2ith longest duration would occur in Assam only after 900 years. He advised teachers to help students to prepare home made solar filters for safe watching. But at the same time he cautioned students not to look at the sun directly with naked eyes as it might damage eye retina permanently. He also distributed a few books written by Balendra Subedar, former secretary of Pragjyotish Amateur Astronomers’ Association, Guwahati. Solar filters, brochures and posters were also distributed among teachers and students on the occasion. Madhab Sarma, Principal, JNV, Darrang felicitated astronomer U.N.Deka with a gamocha and thanked him for sharing a few moments with the members of JNV family.He also requested him to arrange one sky observation camp at the vidyalaya in October this year. Journalists Jayanta Das, Imran Hussain, Rabindra Rabha and Tankeswar Baruah also attended the programme as guest of honour.
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