Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur cast their votes at a polling station under Guwahati Lok Sabha on Dispur on Thursday.
PM Manmohan Singh and his wife Gursharan Kaur arrived in Guwahati at around 11 in the morning and left for the city by a helicopter. They cast their votes at the polling booth number 156 at Dispur Government High School to exercise their franchise at around 11:40am amidst tight security.
While Singh, who is elected to the Rajya Sabha from Assam, had the voter serial number of 726, Kaur's name was placed next, at 727. Singh and his wife then headed back to the helipad for the airport to board their special flight back to Delhi. The prime minister did not cast his vote in Guwahati in the 2004 Lok Sabha and 2006 state assembly elections.
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