The medium of instruction will be both Assamese and English language for the undergraduate programmes in the Bodoland Univesity while giving educational curriculum, said Vice Chancelor id the Bodoland University.
Speaking the Press Conference on Tuesday, Prof. Hemanta Kumar Baruah, Vice Chancelor of the Bodoland University said that the executive council of the Bodoland University has been modified the examination regulations , 2015 for undergraduate programmes with making examinations (honours and regular courses),the medium will be in both Assamese and English.
He said that the university has modified the medium of instruction through an executive council meeting of the university.Baruah said tha there are 46 colleges from the region are affiliated under the university to give education among students.
'In the executive council meeting held on Monday, the Bodoland University has been resolved to modified a clause in the examination regulations, 2015,for undergraduate programmes, Bodoland University. It is notified to all concerned that allah undergraduate examinations (honours and regular courses), the mediun would be both Assamese and English ',Baruah said.
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