Assamese short film, Obosheshot (At Last...), directed by filmmaker Arindam Barooah, is based on a short story titled, 'Devdoot' by Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia. The film is a fictional drama that explores the subject of essence of mother’s sacrifice and love towards her children. It has been selected for various Film Festivals in and outside India
This story is about Numoli, a young girl who belongs to a village crippled by superstitions. In the midst of this, is the mother whose love and sacrifice for her child acts as a barrier against the tribulations of the world and her strives to give her child a voice, the use of which she has forfeited due to unfortunatecircumstances.
The film manages to impress jury and received accolades &official selections in various Film Festivals like 'Honourable Jury Mention Award at the prestigious 7th Dada SahebPhalke Film Festival -17, Delhi,Special Festival Mention at 6th Bangalore Shorts Film Festival-17 and Outstanding Achievement Award at Calcutta International Cult Film Festivaland have been officially selected for screenings at other film festivals like the prestigious 12th Cyprus International Film Festival, Pafos, Cyprus, FICOCC - FIVE CONTINENTS INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL- 2017, Venezuela , Barcelona Planet Film Festival, Spain, SHORT to the Point - International Short Film Festival 2017, Bucharest, Romania, 6th Kolkata Shorts International Film Festival-2017& Meraki International Short Film Festival, Bangalore. The film was also invited by Department of Mass Communication of GauhatiUniversity for screening on its occasion of Annual Fest, Communika.
The Leads have been played by DipikaGogoi&AnjjanDhonBordoloi. Other supporting casts include Debo Kumar Rajkhowa, Jharna Sharma Devchoudhury, Padma Dolakasharia, AnamikaSensua, PratimGogoi etc.
The Script has been penned down by Rita BhuyanBarooah&BhavnaDevchoudhury.Cinematography is done by ThangmaismNishantaSingha&BhaskarJyoti Dutta. DigantaGogoiis the Editor and Production Controller/Line Producer of the film is Kamal Rajkhowa. Music has been scored byJagoranSaikia. NibeditaSaikia&Dilwar Ahmed are the Assistant Directors of the film. The short film was shot in the vicinity of Duliajan, Assam like Sasoni, KachariPathar with a limited budget & crew.
Synopsis of ‘Oboseshot (At last...)’
What happens when the child of a demon is born in a village, where superstitions run amok? Where people are gripped by fear and apprehension. In the midst of this, is the mother whose love and sacrifice for her child acts as a barrier against the tribulations of the world. It is the tale of Numoli, who strives to give her child a voice, the use of which she has forfeited. While the villagers deem her to be possessed and impregnated by the demon, only she knows what hurts her. And when the demon returns to her life, although she is filled with rage and hatred, all she can ask for is her voice; to teach her child to speak and who needs his mother’s voice to comfort him. For now, only the words ‘bou’ (Mother) in her child’s voice can sweep away all her life.
Cast & Crew List
Direction & Screenplay: ArindamBarooah
Director of Photography: ThangmaismNishantaSingha&BhaskarJyoti Dutta
Story: Based on a short story, ‘Devdoot’ by LateDr.BhabendraNathSaikia
Script: Rita BhuyanBarooah&BhavnaDevchoudhury
Dialogues: Rita BhuyanBarooah
Editing: DigantaGogoi
Background Music: JagoranSaikia
Production Controller: Kamal Rajkhowa
Make-Up & Costumes: Priyanka SaikiaGomseng
Asst. Director: NibeditaSaikia&Dilwar Ahmed
Asst. DOP: ParthaNeog
Asst. Production Controller: Porosh Dutta & Ashok Roy
Still Photography: Dilwar Ahmed &Porosh Dutta
Cast: Dipika Gogoi
Anjjan Dhon Bordoloi
Jharna Sharma Devchoudhury
Padma Dolakasharia
Debo Kumar Rajkhowa
Anamika Sensua
Pratim Gogoi
Khirod Kalita
Runu Handique
Kakoli Handique
Bibhuti Saikia
Amrit Hazarika
Special Thanks:
Anurag Biswasi
Abhijit Dutta
Chinku Rajkhowa
Abhijit Bhattacharjee
Neel Kamal Boro
Momi Rajkhowa
Kaberi Borah
Mamcha Pangtha
Himadri Sandilya
Honours & Recognitions
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