”The passing of Assamese Language Bill in Assam Legislative Assembly while late Bishnu Ram Medhi was the Chief Minister of Assam,without consulting a few great tribal leaders of Assam who used to speak in Assamese language in Assam Assembly had been one of the causes for which Assamese language lost the faith of non Assamese tribal leaders during sixty’s”,so said Dr.Paramananda Rajbongshi, secretary of Asom Xahitya Xobha at the concluding session of the silver jubilee celebration of Kendukalai Sahitya Samaj,a branch of Asom Xahitya Xobha at Kalaigaon on November 19.Dr.Rajbongshi in his speech as the chief guest of the open session also appealed all the people of Assam to adopt Assamese language as the languafranka in North East India.The open session was presided over by Abul Hussain,president of Kendukalai Sahitya Samaj,Kalaigaon.Jagadish Sarkar,EM,BTC;Gurujyoti Das,MLA,Mangaldai attended the concluding open session as the distinguished guests.A souvenir “Kendukalai” was aslo released on the occasion by Dr.Manju Devi Pegu, HOD, Assamese department, Cotton College,Guwahati.Several books were also released on the occasion written by Mahendra Saikia,Chandana Deka,Sashi Prabha Devi and Mahibul Hoque.The cultural evening was inaugurated by Bonjar Daimari,EM,BTC where several distinguished singers of Assam including Pulak Banerjee,Kanika Bhattacharjee,Sangita Borthakur,Rintimoni Deka,Malabika Bora, Pranjal Sarma,Prashanta Rajkhowa sang several songs to much delight of the people present.India famed classical dancer Bhanu Saharia Deka of Mangaldai and her troupe performed a few spectacular Xatria classical items on the occasion too.It needs mention that Bhanu Saharia Deka has been working hard on taking Xatria culture in the international level. Mukut Sarma and Dibyajyoti Barua, secretaries of the organising committee offered vote of thanks at the end.
Tangla Sahitya Sabha in association with Circle Officer, Harisinga Revenue Circle, observed 'Lachit Divas' at Tangla on November 24 with day long programme. The great event was organized at the Tangla HS School play ground. Marathon race marked the beginning of the days programme at 5 AM,which was inaugurated by DN Hazarika,Circle Officer, Harisinga Revenue Circle,Tangla followed by hoisting of Sahitya Sabha flag by Ghana Kanta Deka,president,Tangla Sahitya Sabha at 9 AM. Binoy Kumar Medhi,former HOD,Department of History,Tangla College presided over the homage paying ceremony at 10 AM. Distinguished people of Tangla paid floral tribute to the image of Mahavir Lachit. A quiz competition...
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