Devotees offered Nam Prasangha on the occasion of Shri Shri Madhab Dev Tithi at Sangkhardev Namghar in Kokrajhar on Monday. The Madhab Dev Tithi was organized by Kokrajhar Sangkhardev Namghar along with rest of the state. Devotees from various parts of the district throng at the Namghar to offer Nam Prasangha to Gurujana Madhab Dev, on his Tithi.
‘We offered Nam Prasangha to Madhab Dev,Gurujana to seek blessing peace and harmony among all sections of communities in the region.We prayed for restoration of peace and unity in the society’, said devotees.
“Along with rest of the state,Madhabdev Tithi was observed at Kokrajhar to offer Nam Prasangha and prayers. We recalled Gurujana Madhab Dev,who dedicated his life for bringing welfare society in the state. We hope peace and integration would be restored through offering prayers”,a organizer on the occasion.
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