BJP received a severe jolt when the Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered immediate restoration of the Nabam Tuki Government in Arunachal Pradesh a couple of months after he was dislodged by Kalikho Pul with the help of BJP. Now many political parties and individuals have asked Governor JP Rajkhowa to quit the job.
Congress veteran and former Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi welcomed the SC ruling while state Congress interim president Ripun Bora demanded the immediate resignation of Governor JP Rajkhowa for his misleading role.
In his facebook post Liberal Democratic Party leader Prodyut Bora said, “the Supreme Court has ended the machinations of the Modi government and Governor JP Rajkhowa, and restored the Nabam Tuki government in Arunachal Pradesh. I feel Governor Rajkhowa should resign on moral grounds.”
In his historic ruling, the five-judge Constitution bench said, "the Governor must remain aloof from any disagreement, discord, disharmony, discontent or dissension, within individual political parties." Rajkhowa, the former Assam Chief Secretary is on leave where Tripura Governor T Roy has been holding the charge.
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