Eminent artist and prime architect of Udalguri art village Rabiram Brahma has been announced the winner of Pranab Barua Art Award 2015. The selection committee has declared the name of Brahma, who is a pass out from Baroda MS University, on Thursday. The award will be conferred on the artist on the birthday (22 February) of late acclaimed painter Pranab Barua in the city.
Lekhika Sangstha Assam conferred the Monica Baruah Memorial Journalism Award, 2022 to independent journalist and environmentalist Mubina Akhtar in a solemn function held at the Asom Sahitya Sabha auditorium in Guwahati recently. Lekhika Sangstha, the biggest organization of women writers of Assam, instituted the award in memory of Monica Baruarh, a journalist who worked for All India Radio and the weekly—Asam Bani in the early 70s. The award was given away by Pranay Bordoloi, consulting editor, NK TV in the presence of a host of luminaries.
Mubina Akhtar, a renowned conservationist and a veteran journalist, writes both in English and in the vernacular. In a career spanning over more than...
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