Security forces have claimed to capture a cadre of Rabha Viper Army (RVA) room Cechapani under Kajigaon police station on Friday in Kokrajhar district. Acting on an information about the presence of militant cadres in the area, a joint team of Assam Police and 7 Jat regiment of Army conducted operation and apprehended a cadre of the RVA militant outfit organisation. The cadre was identified as Mopen Rabha (23) of Cechapani. A 7.65 mm pistol, two live bullets of 7.65 mm pistol, 40 amunitions of AK-47, five KGs of explosions and incriminating documents were recovered from him.
The Mwihur International Theatre Festival has ended in Kokrajhar, Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR).
The seven-day festival took place at the Bodofa Cultural Complex, Chandamari. Thirteen plays were performed by renowned artists from around the world, in various languages including Bodo, Assamese, Nepali, Hindi, Sinhala, and Malayalam. The festival was organized by the Lwrgi Theatre Group and supported by the BTR government.
The festival was well-received by theatre lovers in the region. On the last day, the "Rudali" drama in Rajashthani language was performed by Gandhi Hindustani Sahitya Sabha and Sumukha from Delhi. This performance received strong applause from the audience.
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