A local court in Diphu remanded two persons to two days police custody a day after the duo were picked up for beating up Debojani Bora branding the national level athletic witch in a remote village in Karbi Anglong . Search is on to nab three other women who instigated the villagers to torture on Debojani who they tied at a local community prayer hall and mercilessly beat up holding her responsible for a series of incidents in the hamlet.
Guwahati: The Indigenous peoples of Mung-Dun-Chun-Kham, Assam, North East India (IPMDCKANEI) came together on Assam Divas (Sukafa Divas) to address critical issues impacting their communities. Held at the Conference Hall, Media Trust', Rup Nagar, Guwahati, the day-long program included a significant round table conference featuring ethnic activists from Assam, Tripura, Manipur, and Nagaland.
The event commenced with tributes to historical figures, Chao Pha Chao lung Sukafa and Bodofa Upendra Nath Brahma, followed by intense discussions on the challenges confronting indigenous groups in North East India. Representatives from various organizations including the United Bodo Peoples...
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