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Majuli Xatradhikars resort to agitation against Govt

According to media reports the Majuli Sraksha Aikya Manch (MSAM) in its meeting held recently resolved to go with an indefinite agitation from April 3 for not taking proper steps to solve the prolonged problem of erosion of Majuli, the greated river island of the world despite the repetitive promises made by the state and central Government including ' Brahmputra Board'. The meeting presided over by Dr Pitambar Devva Goswami, Xatradhikar of Auniati Xtra was attended by the representatives of AASU and AJYCP and many other organizations. A group of Baktas from Majuli visitig Golaghat seeking mass support informed that the MSAM has decided to launch sit-in demonstration on April 3 which is to be led by all the xatradhikars along the bank of the Brahmputra at the spot where the erosion posed threat to the Island most.It may be mentioned that the erosion in the Island has been so massive since a long time that at least 70 percent of the total land of Majuli eroded so far resulting 44 Xatras out of 66 are forced to shifted elsewhere which have a history of the 15th centuries. The large scale erosion has been appeared to be a great threat to the Xatras, cultural heritage of Assam.

The group of Bhaktas who had undertaken a tour of the Golaghat district regretfully expressed that so far several Ministers of central and state Government including the Governor of Assam visited Majuli many a time and assured of taking immediate measures to save it yearly erosion but cut no ice with their assurances.
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