With the ending of election campaign and arrival of polling officials in the polling stations in 8 Mangaldai HPC, BJP has been keenly challenged by AGP and Congress. Earlier it was thought to be a clean sweep for Ramen Deka of BJP. But situation has changed dramatically during last three or four days with Madhab Rajbongshi of AGP gaining public support in various places of the HPC. Chances of BJP candidate has decreased rapidly. The votes that will go in favour of AGP were originally meant for BJP. BJPs alleged secret deal with a few Bodo organisations including – ABSU and NDFB(P) has angered many of BJP supporters and they have shifted their support to AGP making congress candidate Kirip Chaliha gainer. So it can be said that there will be a tough triangular contest among Congress,AGP and BJP in Mangaldai HPC. Additional advantage for congress this time will be the mass support of religious minority people. The contest no doubt will be tough and triangular and anyone of BJP, Congress or AGP could win with narrow margin.
A group of one hundred students from twelve high schools of Udalguri district recently took a vow to protect nature and wildlife along with plantation of more trees in their respective villages within the district of Udalguri. The event took place at Kalaigaon Revenue Circle premises on November 12 at 1 pm on the occasion of the concluding ceremony of ‘Gnyan Jyoti Yatra’ sponsored by Assam government and supervised by Udalguri district administration.53 boys and 47 girls fron various high schools of the district assembled at Kalaigaon after a three days educational tour to Guwahati.During the period the students were given the opportunity to visit -IIT Guwahati,Srimanta Sankardeb...
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