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Arunachal Pradesh Wake Up !

There are numerous crimes in the world like theft, robbery, killing, arson, murder etc. But there are two crimes related to psychology. The first is raising the hopes of people only to be thrashed later, which is done by politicians. The second making smaller communities and tribes feel their traditional beliefs to be inferior, something practiced by Christian missionaries. Arunachal Pradesh is the best guinea pig for all kinds of experimentation. The Central government wiped out the naturally formed common language of the state which was Nefamese (a local style of Assamese unique to Arunachal). In its place, Hindi has been forced down the mouths of the people of Arunachal. Now we have the overt and covert practices of Christian missionaries who are systematically converting people into the Vatican city religion. With alien languages and alien beliefs, Arunachal Pradesh will slowly lose its original heritage.

Christian missionaries spread Christianity through two sectors, Education and Health. I request the Chief Minister of the state to take the reigns of education and health in the hands of the government. The tactics of conversion by missionaries is not exactly forced, but coercive. Poor, illiterate people are lured with the prospect of free education and free health care. Has the government of India kept a track of where this money comes from? Who provided the funds to build a massive statue of Jesus Christ in Miao? This is an international agenda whose records lie in Vatican city with the Pope. China has banned Christian missionaries in the country to preserve its indigenous beliefs and customs. Unlike Buddhism and Hinduism, Islam and Christianity brings in a homogenous culture where youngsters look down on their ancestral heritage and embrace customs imported from Mecca and Vatican. A part of us is lost.

On February 11 this year, 12 school children were charred to death and eight injured in a massive fire that broke out at a private hostel run by Don Bosco chain of schools at Palin in Kurung Kummpy district, 260 km north of state capital Itanagar. It is very sad and unfortunate that no proper probe has been conducted. Whether these boys were victims of crime of another kind and this incident was a cover up no one will know. The middle class and upper middle class children who study in day schools run by missionaries are unaware of the coersive conversions which go on sly among the missionary circles. Children from poor families and tribal areas are given free education and free hostel facility provided they take up Christianity as their religion. Is this the way religion is propagated? The state government is yet to gear up and formulate an education and health policy solely owned by the state.

China has taken all measures not to let Education and Health slip out of its hands unlike many state governments in India. India might not be able to match China’s might and will power. But we can look at Bhutan. It doesn’t boast of a booming GDP. But the king has ensured the happiness and contentment of its people and the Bhutan government has effectively warded off Christian missionaries from the Himalayan kingdom. I urge the chief minister Dorjee Khandu to wake up and take necessary precautions to curb conversion oriented activities by vested interests in the land of Donyi-Polo. Arunachal Pradesh should not be reduced to Nagaland, Mizoram or Meghalaya.

-----Ropi Jamoh
Papum Pare district, Arunachal

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ropijamoh's picture


tonto's picture

Jamoh should have written his article in Nefamese if he meant even a little of what he wrote. Does he mean to say that the poor and middle class should not go to school or get educated? Is he so blind to what the Christians have done to develope the local dialects? Is he not aware that the hostel at Palin was not run by the Don Bosco school? Does jamoh think that he is more Arunachali than all the rest? Or is he trying to be be mouthpiece of some fnatic forces? All are free to express heir opinion in free India But no one can claim the monopoly of truth and knowledge.
Ropi's picture

Indian's picture

This is what happens when missionaries educate our people. They cant make out the actual reality and end up commenting against the author. Wake up tonto.
Techi Gotum's picture

Jamo there, I'm an Arunachele, I love my state, My culture, My Tradition....and then I AM A CHRISTIAN BY BIRTH...My parents were both the students of Govt. runned Institution. And I really don't think somebody could force my parents to take up a religion, or either a coercive method used. "ARUNACHAL PRADESH WAKE UP", very well said...but the question here is are you really concerned about the state or is it just your futile frustation over the Christians - the criminals, as you say, which makes me a criminal too. So my crime would be praying to Jesus, reading my Bible, going to church......etc. BUT my fren don't you think there are a whole lot of issues concerning our State's condition, Politics, the extra involvement of our youths in the election times just to ruin themselves with wine and indulging themselves in "CORUPTION CYCLE", the useless PWD roads, the education system, the broken walls of Goverment Schools...and the list goes on....the issues which you can raise under this banner of "ARUNACHAL PRADESH WAKE UP", and make your reader read something of real concern. Please let us Christians leave in peace. And by the way if you talk about Christian Mission Schools, there are also Hindu Mission Schools too, where they teach religion, prayers, yoga etc. now would I say there is a coersive method used.
Morningkeey P. Tungzang's picture

Well written, but I believe that more research must have been done before writing this Article. I can feel from the write up that the author has not been to the place where the hostel was burned to ash. I have noted that the Hostel which was burned is being assumed to be run by Don Bosco, where as it is to be noted that the Hostel was run by some private individual of Arunachali descent. The Don Bosco hostel was inside the premises , which was not at all touched by the gruesome fire.. I have been to the place myself, the hostel which was burned was outside the premise just outside the school. This is for my friend Indian, you may assume me also to be from some missionaries school, well I was from Kendriya Vidyalaya for your satisfaction. I mentioned this to make a point that how fact can be twisted in the name of religion or ethnicity in places such as ours.. Refrain from religionalism..
Likha Tagra's picture

hats off to mr Jamoh for his bold and original article. It hits the bulls eye. on one hand Indian govt forced us to lose our language ,other side christains missionaries make us to lose our pride and self respect and culture.
YANIA's picture

When a Hindu man do something unwanted people never talk about Hinduism.nor a Muslim like Ajmal Kasab the dreaded terrorist the people never talk about the Muslim religion but when something goes wrong with a person with a Christianity why the people talk about Christianity instead of the person concerned? Just think what may be the reason. I am sure there is something good in Christianity that every body wants to talk about.Today what I am is because of the charity works that the Christan missionaries have given me a free education. For which I am able to stand in my own today because of the good works by the good Samaritans of Christianity. otherwise my life would have been a hell today because when i was in trouble no any family member,relatives nor my tradition and my culture came to rescue MY SALUTE GOES TO THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH .AND THANKS TO THOSE GOD FEARING SERVANTS WHO ARE DOING THE WORK TIRELESSLY
Rongmon Pegu's picture

aiyushman's picture

I agree with Morning Keey's comments...
john techi's picture

Wow!! well said jamoh!! lol, First of all I don't think you know the state well enough!!! there are many problems which are existing among us which you very dearly neglected which Techi Gotum brought up here in the discussion. I must confess that being from a Christian Family I did studied in a Hindu School since my parents couldn't afford! In the Hindu school i was, they thought us the value of Hindu religion, trying to convince us that the religion was better then the others, here i'm not saying that the teaching qualities were bad but concentrating on the fact that you alleged Christian Missionaries for being the reason for tribal people like us leaving our religion for the sake of becoming a christian, the same should be held for the Hindu missionaries. dear Jamoh, freedom of opinion and thought are very powerful tool given to us by the constitution of India but it doesn't mean that it should be misused, if you are having a opinion on anything, NEVER be biased!! we have more problems which need immediate attention from enlightened people like you so use your power of pen wisely... if educated person like "you" becomes so biased in their judgment then i;m sure we really don't have bright future out there waiting for us. I'm a Christian by religion, but never question my integrity, I love my state as much as you if not more then you, you can see people who are turning in Muslims and Hindus i would have really appreciated if your article mentioned them even once!!! lol but it seems you are anti Christian right!!!
Ropi's picture

I am against Barter system of faith and religion indulged in by missionaries, nothing about being against someone. Thank you for reading and writing a comment.
john techi's picture

@ Likha Tagra,friend I'm laughing at you(seriously i mean it) man you know what?? I think you guys forgot that our country is a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and i hope you got what i'm trying to say?? did you? lol i'm trying to tell you that our constitution gives us the right to follow and practice which ever religion we want and that should not be your damn concern!! If you really care about your religion, Identity and your custom then i believe you still must be wearing traditional cloths right?? that's what our grand fathers used to wear.......... and you @Indian, I wonder which reality you are talking about?? you know what there is a famous saying dear friend :) "little knowledge is very dangerous" you must be talking about the unfortunate fire incident? right? I pity you brother... you have taken the name Indian but I think I'm better Indian then you are! just calling yourself Indian doesn't make you Indian!! India stands for toleration to all but it looks to me that you have taken a morcha against the christian lol get life brother........
Reality bytes's picture

'Faith protection body moves PM on NSCN-IM threat to Buddhists' (The Sentinel' on June 16, 2010) By our Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, June 15: Janjati Dharma Sanskriti Suraksha Manch (Janjati Faith & Culture Protection Forum), Guwahati president BB Jamatia requested Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to bring back peace and normalcy in Changlang district in Arunachal Pradesh where NSCM-IM cadres were reportedly using force on Buddhists to embrace Christianity. In a letter to the Prime Minister, Jamatia said: “Lingam Hakum Naga alias Lamba Chool Wala, who claims himself as area commander of NSCN-IM, moves freely with sophisticated weapons along with another 24 armed cadres in the various remote villages of Tikhak community in the area. On May 13, 2010, he called a meeting of all villagers, including gaon burahs (GBs) and jila parishad members (JPMs) from the villages like Putuk I, Putuk II, Putuk III, Putuk IV, Wangnong, Motongsa, Longchang, Wintong, Rima, Machum and other nearby villages, and displayed AK-47 assault rifles and condemned Buddha Dharma (Bhuddhism). He said that they the followers of Buddha Dharma would never get salvation and that they would get burnt into eternal hell fire. He asked the poor and illiterate villagers that what they had got by following Buddha Dharma for centuries except poverty and a sinful life. He declared that if the Buddhist community of that area embraced Christianity within a stipulated time, the Lord Jesus Christ would change the entire life of all converted people and they would enjoy a rich life. And all the Christians would get salvation after death.” Jamatia further said in his letter: “The Buddhist villagers were astonished to hear the Christian preaching from the mouth of a so-called area commander of dreaded militant organization, NSCN-IM. While pointing out his finger at AK-47s placed in front of them, Lingam Hakum Naga cautioned them that no Buddhist would celebrate Buddha Poornima festival on May 27, all of them must convert to Christianity by May 31, and anybody found opposing Christian conversion would face dire consequences. In all these incidents, the hostile role of Catholic priests stationed at Miao Bishop’s House is also reported. The people of the area talk of a secret nexus between Church and the NSCN-IM.” The letter further said: “Because of the free movement of armed cadres of NSCN-IM with the Bible in one hand and AK-47 in the other, the unarmed hapless innocent Buddhist villagers are panicked and living under the shadow of the threat to their life and property. We are surprised to learn how the armed cadres of NSCN-IM are allowed to move freely in this area, while there is a ceasefire agreement and their leaders are engaged in dialogue with the Government of India. The movement of armed cadres of NSCN-IM is also reported in other areas of Changlang and Tirap districts of Arunachal Pradesh.”
Garvin's picture

It is better to make people better "Whatever they are at present"than to convert them to a new set of rules and superstitions. I am not interested in your theories of religion "Be good and do good" and that will take you to whatever freedom there may be................. Buddha We are all Hindus.Muslims.Christians and Jews.............M K Gandhi Religion is How we live our lives every hour of every day for ALL of our life Garvin..Mahatma Gandhi Awareness
Tirot's picture

Pros and Cons of Misionary activities: Time to Think---- If after 63 years of independence, people are “illiterate, semi-educated, poverty-stricken”, it is a failure and shame for Indian democracy. The missionaries are doing a lot but there are other agendas related, one being the insurgent-missionary nexus. This cannot be denied. NSCN(IM) cadres roam about in Tirap and Changlang forcing Buddhist villagers to take up Christianity and the missionaries support them overtly as well as covertly. By the Charter Act of 1813, Christian missionaries were permitted to come to India and preach their religion. It is intriguing to know that no missionary or the Pope spoke against the genocide of tribals and aboriginals in Australia and the Red Indians in America. This was to protect the interest of the European migrants and colonialists. The scene was different in India. It didn’t take long for the British in India to realize that religious expansionism in India would create some buffer zones. In order to forge a different identity so that the tribes in the hilly tracts of north-east donot merge well with the pan Asian identity, indigenous faiths were serially made inferior. When this was opposed, the missionaries used two gateways, health care and education to indebt an entire tribe to the fold of missionaries. The benefits cannot be denied. At the same time the alienation from plainsmen and the formation of buffer zones when the British left cannot be denied too. Take the case of Nagaland. Andrew Clow succeeded in his policy. Actually every power authority has its own hidden agenda, like the imposition of Hindi in Arunachal Pradesh. The missionaries have nothing to do with this. The tribals have to live with these borrowed or imported aspects which shape our lifestyle too. The Assamese tribals, or the tribals of Assam are somewhat better aware than some neighbouring states. The Bodos have come up with their Bathou mission, Bathou muni being their traditional deity. The Misings are reviving Donyi-Polo faith in some areas. The Tiwas and the Sonowal Kacharis have blended neo-Vaishnavism in their local style and so on. The Karbis have their own Ramayan ‘Sabin Alun’ which is different from the Sanskrit Ramayana and the all powerful deity Hemphu. Even Khasis are reviving and resurrecting the lost deities and the Seng Khasi movement is a testimony to this.
jovi's picture

This article is crap in perspective to christianity.The author thinks Nagaland , Mizoram etc are spoilt. But dude, they are 100 times developed than Arunachal Pradesh...if they doesnt speak Hindi does not mean they lack in culture. Their culture is more visible than us. There are bad and good people in every religion...but its you who has to make a change. I am 100% non christian...but who follow more of vaishnavite hindu..also local religion. Talking about NEFAMESE....we eastern district like Tirap and Changlang people speak still good nefamese...but see the Assamese people and its govt, police. They have been attriciting the people of those place in the name of boundary distribution etc. SHAME actually. But we wont stop speaking in nefamese.
chow lohan's picture

I am from khampti tribe... But i am a proud arunachali first... That would be a big lie. I mean for what should I be proud of. This is a state where every one stand for their own tribe. I really like this article. This is true that missionary tries to convert other religion into Christianity. It happen to me when I was studying in one missionary school in pasighat. What they say is really bad for other religion. @tonto. It not necessary to write someone in nefamese when he is defending nefamese And last of all I would have really appreciate when someone or at least one christian would have comment abt the act done in tirap district. And i am really proud dat lohit tirap and chaglang still do speak nefamese

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