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June 2008

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BPPF demands high level inquiry

2 May 2014 - 5:15pm | Hantigiri Narzary
BPPF party demanded a high level inquiry into the serial killing at Balapara village late last night and punishes the involved culprits with the incidents. Rabiram Narzary, president of BPPF and...

Tale of Fishes

28 Jul 2022 - 1:05pm | Samhita Barooah
On a Saturday afternoon I rushed to watch a much-awaited film called Emuthi Puthi in Guwahati. The best part was that it was running in the nearest movie theatre for a reasonable price of Rs. 100. I...

Photo of Mukut Barman while laying laikhuta for bishuwa utsav in Kokrajhar

Laikhuta laid for Bishuwa Utsav

5 Apr 2016 - 7:33pm | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
Mukut Barman, noted social worker of Kokrajhar laid Laikhuta at Rashmela ground to celebrate the ‘Bishuwa Utsav’ with two-day colourful programme scheduled beginning from April 13 next in Kokrajhar...

Body found on train at Chaparmukh

2 Jul 2017 - 9:59pm | Dibya J Borthakur
The body of a man was found on a train that arrived at Chaparmukh junction from Tinisukia on Sunday, police said. The body, found under mysterious condition, was identified as Kiranjyoti Hazarika of...