Rajiv Bhawan is throbbing with the pre poll activities these days. Tickets aspirants are making long queue to file the application on Saturday on the third and last day.
Except Deep Gogoi, all sitting MPs are applying for tickets this time. Gogoi did not file any application a day after Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi’s son Gaurav Gogoi filed his papers for Kaliabor seat. Captain Robin Bordoloi’s brother Bolin Bordoloi and minister Akon Bora’s son Manash Bora along with two others are applying for ticket from Guwahati.
Apart from sitting MP Bjoy Krishna Handiqui, Samir Gogoi and Nibha Konwar also want to contest from Jorhat seat. Gogoi, the son of Assembly Speaker Pranab Gogoi submitted his papers on Friday while Konwar, the wife of Tripura Governor Devananda Konwar filed her application on Saturday.
These would be screened by a panel to be referred to the AICC screening panel before high command’s nod.
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