ULFA has charged Dibrugarh police with masterminding the powerful blast that rocked the town on Tuesday leaving a schoolgirl. In a statement issued a day after the explosion at Amulapatty, the outfit made it clear that they had no role in the incident. The outfit called it a handiwork of police. Identified as Purnima Rajat, the Class X girl died on the spot as the blast took place. Five people--- left injured in the blast, were rushed to AMCH.
Guwahati: The 8th Chalachitram National Film Festival – 2024 concluded at Jyoti Chitraban in Kahilipara, Guwahati, on October 27, celebrating diverse cinematic works. Jaswandha, directed by Shoneel Yallattikar, won the Best Film in the rest of India category, while A Sylvan Saga by Jyoti Prasad Das was awarded the Best Film in Northeast India. Das also took home the Best Director award, and Abhijit Nayak received the Best Screenplay award for Wrong Number, directed by Bijit Borgohain.
Awards for Best Cinematography went to Angsuman Barua & Pradip Ch Sarma for Aadi Shakti Maa Kamakhya and Chida Bora & Saril Nandan Deka for Teens of 1942 (directed by Samiran Deka). The Best Editing...
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