Dispur on Friday has asked the onion traders across the state to sell onion for Rs 65 per kg. According to information available with assamtimes, all district administrations have received instructions from Dispur to strictly enforce the onion price. The government further urged the people to lodge complaint against the traders who demand more than Rs 65 per kg.
In an era where financial security means more than just protecting your family after you're gone, term insurance in India is undergoing a remarkable transformation. The introduction of living benefits has revolutionized how we think about term insurance, making it a more versatile and valuable financial tool for millions of Indians.
The Evolution of Term Insurance in India
Term insurance has traditionally been viewed as a pure life cover product, providing financial protection to families in the event of the policyholder's death. However, the Indian insurance landscape has matured significantly, with insurance penetration growing steadily as awareness increases among urban and rural...
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