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Govt to promote jatropha for bio-diesel production

A special scheme to promote Jatropha (Bhot Era) cultivation in Assam has been taken by the Department of Agriculture, Assam for production of Bio-diesel. Altogether 137.4 ha area will be covered under this crop, covering 9 districts, namely, Barpeta, Kokrajhar, Kamrup, Darrang, Sonitpur, Nagaon, Marigaon, Karimganj and Hailakandi. Moreover, 26 nos. of demonstration will be conducted for motivation of farmers. The cultivation will be done in waste land of the State.

In this connection, a State Level Workshop on Biodiesel Production Technique from Jatropha Crop was held at R & D Centre, NeDFi, Khetri, Kamrup on 9th June last, which is organized by the Department of Agriculture, Assam , with the technical support from the NEDFi.

Nilamoni Sen Deka, Minster for Agriculture, Horticulture & Food Processing, Assam attended in the workshop as chief guest and given stress for sustainable agricultural development in Assam . He assured the farming community that, state government will extend all possible help for the benefit of the farmers. Dr. Moniruddin Ahmed, Scientist, Dr. Dwipen Dutta,Scientist, Panchanon Saikia, JDA(Pulse), Nripen Medhi, SDAO and Keshab Barua, President, Pathar Parichalana Samity participated in the workshop as resource person.

Several officers and farmers attended in the workshop and practically learned about the bio diesel production from Jatropha seeds in oil extraction plant.


ashok's picture

I wish ASSAM govt. rethinks on Jatropha, and they can look for Bio-energy resources from Indigenous flora of the Sate which is rich with native oil-borne tree and other oil-seed crops. There are also a large number of local species which have a potential biomass production for food and fuel. Better produce more edible oils, which will feed locals and surplus can be converted to Biodiesel. Why go for exotic toxic oil-seed and highly disease and pest susceptible species like Jatropha curcas. When we shall get rid of copy cat Babus?
Diganta Das's picture

plantation of jatropa in unutilised govt wasteland shall be most benificial for the mankinds. As said above production of biodiesel from edible oilseeds can never ever be commercially viable.Moreover the oil contents found in wild oilseeds are low to be viable.our climatic condition favour most suitable with minimum efforts in jatropa plantation.It shall resist global warming through increase green cover and through replacement of the amount petroleum diesel with biodiesel which shall release some portion of green house gases into the atmosphere, otherwise.It can leads us the opportunities and gain benefits under the head of clean Development Mechanism.Such comments are detrimental and misleading towards the goal for the betterment of the soceity.
Benjamin Kaman's picture

The major problem of NE Agriculture is basically not production (except rice) but marketing and processing. There is no organised or ready market for produces of this region. In my knowledge there is no refining facility for Jatropha, which prohibits the farmers from adoption. It would be more effective if the Govt set up one or two Jatropha Refinery in collaboration with IOCL/NRL etc.
Alex's picture

Another money making venture of our Ministers and officials. Have not we seen all these afforestation program spending crores of rupees and yet the hills still remain barren. Less said the better.
Benjamin Kaman's picture

We the public are equally responsible for barren hills. Programmes like afforestation can never succeed without active participation of society and the peoples. Its high time that NE India should think seriously in this matter.


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