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Akhil drops bombshell against Himanta

Assam health minister Himanta Biswa Sarma seems to have landed in trouble when RTI activist Akhil Gogoi comes out with evidence to prove the ministers involvement in a number of criminal cases against him. Addressing a crowded press conference in Guwahati Press Club on Saturday, the KMSS leader said he along woth other associates would soon approach the Supreme Court seeking its intervention.

Gogoi further produced the original documents of the criminal and TADA cases registered against him with Chanadmari and Paltanbazar police stations in 1991. These include the sensational murder of Congress veteran Manabendra Sarma. These particulars have been missing which was why, the authorities have been avoiding these cases of murder, intimidation and extortion. On the final scam in the hills district, Gogoi said the scam involves RS 5,000 crore in both the hills district and said CBI should be allowed to grill Chief minister Tarun Gogoi and former governor Ajoy Singh.


Debu sharma's picture

Mr.ahkil gogoi jindabad i am with u.
Alex's picture

Fault of we the Assamese people for electing such corrupted people again and again. Most corrupted govt in the history of Assam--GOGOI & Company. I wonder if it is the hand of thief. We need more Akhils to clean up the mess.
inamul's picture

How can Mr. Gogoi produce the ORIGINAL documents of the criminal and TADA cases registered against him with Chanadmari and Paltanbazar police stations in 1991 ? This is a serious issue in the eye of law.
Raju baruah's picture

Akhil gogoi, he is a real man and have a brave heart. His war against corruption is really outspoken and superb. I m always with him.
Aryama's picture

Dear all, please join us on Facebook to connect with other people who are standing by Akhil Gogoi.
Pallavi Barua's picture

I think Democracy can be divided into 2 types-- 'Mature Democracy' and 'Vote-Bank Democracy'. Mature Democracy is what we see in UK, US or Europe (though not perfect, yet far near the concept of 'democracy'). Vote-Bank Democracy is the one practised in Assam, one of the states in the north-eastern part of India. Result is the election of inefficent, incompetent, irresponsible and unpatriotic traitors in the ministerial posts of the state. Though vote-bank polictics is rampant in immature 'democracies' like India, Pakistan, and some other post-colonial nation states, Assam is the best example of 'Vote-Bank Democracy' in the world. It is a good case of study for political science researchers and academicians.
Arroon Gogoi's picture

Akhil Gogoi is a true leader to fight agaist corrupted ministers.
Mowsam Hazarika's picture

While using Public Adress System, he shouldn't shout .
Rongmon Pegu's picture

He should shout. Since we don't shout, there are scams of Rs. 1000 crore and more.
Madhab's picture

Akhil daa, we all assamese people with with you..... keep it upppppppp!!! Best of Luck..... we are always with you....
Mowsam Hazarika's picture

Mr. Madhab , You can't represent all Assamese people !
Hemanta borah's picture

We NRI at Dubai are watching News life channel, the one and only channel available at dubai,which belongs to Dr. Hemanta biswa Sarma's, they sensor most of the news related to his exposure, i am sure about the discloser by Akhil gogoi, Hemanta is a corrrupt politician, no doubt about it, we all should help Akhil gogoi for his fight against corruption. I am proud of Akhil gogoi for his courage.
Giturani Kalita's picture

Akhil da, thanks to give a clearcut vision about the today's politics.
pankaj pradhan's picture

you really are preparing us to stand up against the corruption
Tarun's picture

Allegations sought and reasons may be right .. But it seems that it will not be easy for him to escape from the prejudice of law as now he has said he have only Xeroxed copy of docs to CID whereas he claimed to have the originals . Planning went wrong somewhere
manas gogoi's picture

yes,we all assamese people with u akhil gogoi,
Barnadhya Hazarika's picture

Mr. Manas you can't represent all people of Assam!! We do not support Mr. Akhil Gogoi!Please don't try to glorify Mr. Akhil Gogoi as we did in case of Mr. Prafulla Kumar Mahanta!
Dhanjit Kumar Choudhury's picture

Akhil Gogoi allegations against Dr. Himanta Biswasarma looks like to be that of a personally motivated one because blaming a person for possession of two luxury cars worth Rs. 20 lakhs each is like picking up a droplet of water from the mighty ocean. If Akhil Gogoi's war is not personally motivated as he has claimed then he would have included the name of hundreds of corrupted persons available in our state. It is true that there is some sort of a political angle in this war of words but being the leader of a social organisation, it is the duty of Akhil Gogoi to be neutral in his approach because if he really wants to erase the evil of corruption from Assam's soil, then he has to first of all highlight the corruption in the press and media houses because it is the people who are making huge incomes by indirect sort of a blackmailing procedure and making hefty incomes by first exposing the corruptions before the masses and then the rest follows as a business deal. It is known to all that a luxury car of Rs. 20 lakh is nothing compared to high class luxury cars like Mercedes Benz and what not and if Akhil Gogoi and his KMSS just take a look at the owner of the high class cars, I am sure he will be baffled to find out the real face of corruption which can be termed as the indirect corruption mechanism by establishing a sole support mechansim with the innocent masses by providing hot news on one hand and by making hefty black money on the other hand. Now whom we are to blame if Akhil Gogoi and his strong team of KMSS remain silent and adopting an unknown attitude on this vital matter. So, I think a time has come for us to discover the relaity in the corruption in the press and media sector and only then I think that the corruption can be rooted out and never before that.......So now no one should be blamed and like your exposure of Dr. HBS you should not hesitate to expose the owners of the press who are solely supporting you dear Akhil. Please carry on with your effort against the press not only NEWSLIVE but be careful because these are the persons behind your uprising might then work against you......
Jayanta Kumar Das's picture

How could you say that all the people of Assam stand behind Akhil Gogoi?Have not seen a single family whose all members stand united in need.
Molokhu's picture

Mr. Barnadhya Hazarika, who is this 'We'?? You should have written 'I' instead.
Barnadhya Hazarika's picture

Mr. Molokhu thanks for your advice!!
Sabda Bkarna's picture

Do it.... our best luck wit u... Aru achay Upper Assam r minister. Pls choku diyak.... AHH AHH ULAI AHH SAJAG JANATA.
RG's picture

After quite a long time someone with guts has come out in the open. I hope his voice does not fade with time and he does not give up the issues after becoming frustrated of inaction (as being done by AASU only to keep issues alive).
Ajoy Warisa's picture

how can state develop when the CM himself run away from the state when scams are exposed? where is Anoop Dutta of ASTC fame...when will Assam see good people in governance?
Anand kumar bhujel's picture

ASSAM has been a state of corruption for quite long time now.There are leaders who in times came forward with different issues relatig to that but shut thier mouth after some time.But i am quite sure that akhil gogoi will be successful with his work.We are with you akhil da.AKHIL GOGOI JINDABAD.
borborah's picture

It is a good sign in the State of Assam a section of people come forward and joid hand with akhil to protest against corruption.
Pallavi Barua's picture

THE 'DAVID' OF OUR TIMES The India Corruption Study 2007 conducted jointly by Transparency International and Centre for Media Study rated Assam the most corrupt state in India. The Rs. 1000 crore scam (might be more) in N.C. hills is another signature to this fact. We the conscious citizens rue over the menace of corruption on and off. We have a corrupt state government and an equally corrupt Opposition. Neither would lock horns as they would dig their own graves if they indulge in such honest disclosures. In such a dismal scenario, the arrival of a person like Akhil Gogoi is inspiring. The Secretary of the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti (KMSS) has shown us how we can use the unused measures to track corrupt practices among the most powerful circles of the state. All the disclosures of corruption will make the public aware but the ministerial posts will remain intact. Still Akhil Gogoi has ushered in hope. His voice against corruption reminds me of the story of ‘David and Goliath’ where a little David takes on the mighty Goliath with a sling and stone. I Congratulate and Thank the wife of Akhil Gogoi for being a source of support in his tirade against corruption. Generally it is seen that the most idealist of a person plunges into corruption post marriage. Inspite of being a house-holder and the father of a tiny tot, Gogoi has shown unprecedented courage. Mrs. Gogoi deserves the courage she has shown on her part. Just as a mother is responsible for nurturing a well-mannered man in society, so also a wife has a substantial role in the sustainance of the uprightedness of her husband. (However, I would like to draw the attention of Akhil Gogoi to a statement of his, as reported in some sections of the media. In one of his press conferences, Mr. Gogoi said that State Health Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma is the most vile (nikristto) or the lowest son of Assam. He might have uttered that in a fit of rage. I only urge Akhil Gogoi to think over what he said. The most vile son or product of Assam is not Himanta Biswa Sarma, but someone else. Need we guess?)
Anil Sharma's picture

If 50% of the funds are utilised properly,OUR ASSAM will be among the Top 5 States of the Country.ALAS ! when will the day come.
amrita madhukalya's picture

Personally motivated or not, Akhil Gogoi is not in the wrong in bringing out Mr. Sharma's dirty laundry into the public. We must not forget that Mr. Gogoi is a RTI awardee from the President. He is doing his bit and has put in his share of sacrifices to do what he has done. It is easy to pass on judgments on people who do, who deliver and who stand up. But may I ask, how many of us have personally done something to get us out of this sordid mess?? Has the 'aam aadmi' in Assam been a bit more alert, a bit more efficient, we would have been elsewhere. Most of us urbanites think of our own selves, of our own lives. But Mr.Gogoi has toiled and spoken for the neglected poor too. Let us not judge. Let us help him in whatever way we can. And his detractors need to check themselves. Akhil Gogoi has dared to speak against a tyrannical Mr. Sharma. Atleast he is doing his bit. And let us not forget that tiny drops make up the ocean!
Ershad's picture

I dnt understnd what Akhil is upto..... he wl nvr be able to stop corruption either it is the congress or AGP or whatever.... in the state level in the national level... it is a well accepted phenomenon that politicians are corrupt.... a new one or an old one it doesnt matter.....
Dhiren barkakoty's picture

d/gogoi you are playing the active role of strong opposition.God bless you.we are all with you.i congratulate and Best of luck.
dhiren barkakoty's picture

best of luck.i congratulate you.we are all with you.
Ajay's picture

I AM WITH AKHIL GOGOI. Corruption is the main cause of Assam's pathetic State. All acknowledge this fact . But there's one more truth. A section of our society comprising of Government Officials , Businessmen & Politians. This vicious group is corrupt to the core. They are interconnected and they are the ones who siphoned off our land’s wealth and continue to do so. Since they are in power , can any ordinary citizen expect Corrution to end . Also we need their endless “favours” like building a road in the locality or getting some certificate etc etc. Its their duty but don’t they make it feel like that. We pay the bribe too. And since we are emotional people , we feel how great person he is . Gratitude. Emotions. Demi Gods?? Its people like Akhilda who has given a slight hope that once the fearless citizen stands up , the system will start to panic . A spark has generated. The aforesaid section is doing their best to crush him, has any harm been done to him. When whole mass of Assam (excluding the dirty group & the legalized Bangladesis) is behind him its not possible. There is a immense fear which he has generated in our politicians’s hearts, the Sarkari Babu’s too are frightened. They know days are going to be over soon when more people like Akhilda will be here there and everywhere. There have been many negative views to it by many of our people. I am an optimitist . I believe We will succeed. We must succeed. Akhilda will not do any miracle. He is a one individual, but we have a lesson to learn from this youngman. We have to wake up and be brave. Our forefathers drove the British OUT, we will drive the corrupt IN (jail).


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