Assam on Thursday paid its last respect to the body of six brave hearts two days after they lost their lives at the hands of Naxals in Chhattisgarh. Led by Assam director general of police Shankar Baruah, top ranked police and civil officials gathered at the Lok Priya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport in Borjhar and paid their last respect to the bodies after these were flown to the home state.
Major General (Retd) Nirmal Chandra Vij is all set to be the new Assam Governor. The formal decision will come up on Saturday's Congress Working Committee meeting in New Delhi. According to reliable sources in the national capital, the home ministry has a list of a few others to be named for the post. They include former Union home secretary V K Duggal, NN Vora, Major General (Retd) S Padmanabhan. But the Assam Government is reportedly in favour of an apolitical Governor. Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, who arrived in the capital on Friday is also schedule to attend the meeting before finalising the name.
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