The Centre has asked for a comprehensive plan to ensure a paceful Lok Sabha poll in Assam slated for April 16 and 23. According to information, the Centre has directed Dispur to chalk out an action plan to ensure that militant attacks do not take place in Guwahati along with Karbi Anglong and North Cachar. The directive was prepared in Delhi a week after a high-level meeting held in Guwahati chaired by Union Cabinet secretary K M Chandrasekar and attended by top ranked officials if any, police and para military forces.
The meeting further reviewed the law and order situation in the state in the aftermath of the serial blasts in Guwahati, Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh. Moreover, it assessed the security force requirement in the North Eastern states to ensure violence free and fair election. The army and the state police gave separate presentations before the Central team with the police particularly pointing out the ULFA hand behind the blasts in collaboration with Pakistan's ISI.
Three blasts early in the morning have dampened the spirit of the 62nd Independence Day celebrations in Assam. According to information, two blast have jolted Dhubri in the morning. The first one is near the Mahamaya tank while another took place in Dhubri town where two have been left injured.There is yet another blast at Kajalgaon in Chirang district. However, no casualty has been reported so far.
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