As the nation is drawing closer to Lok Sabha polls, the BJP’s Prime Ministerial squad Mr. L.K. Advani, all of a sudden has become a tech-savvy. He is a virtual man at the moment. He is seen everywhere. He is in the newspaper, in the television, in the web and above all he is in the field, it seems as if the messiah has come for the common people.
The man who is widely known for a different reason in the past, has he really become changed man? Or is it an Obama effect that is haunting him? Or has he learnt anything form Narendra Modi who did the same? It’s really amazing, a smiling face with a message “welcome to the website of Shri L.K. Advani”. If you happen to browse, don’t be surprise he is in the Orkut, YouTube, Faceebook and countless faces of this old man in hundreds of popular web sites, you will definitely find. I have a doubt whether; he is the man who really represents the face vibrant India?
The country is in a critical situation. The country is half way of losing millions of jobs in the next couple of months. The rise of terror strikes and communal disturbances or the so called ‘the talibanisation of women’ are the major challenges that must be put to rest. It is high time; we need a leader who can save India – a leader who can shape lives of the common men. And above all we need a leader who does not subscribe to any particular ideology; after all, the purpose is to serve the people, not to serve the petty political interests. A political acumen cannot serve the country.
It’s widely acknowledged that only a leader who has societal acumen can be fit for the post of Prime Minister of the country. The leader who says ‘I am also thinking about the Ram Mandir’ will definitely only spoil the sanctity of the Parliament and certainly, Mahatma Gandhi will be upset in heaven. In a country like ours what we need is unity and prosperity. And this prosperity should be realised first in the village India. This can be achieved only by a leader who put his/her country first.
I am sure; the country will have to undergo an agony if the destiny becomes reality for Advaniji. Let’s see who will strike the ballot box in the coming Lok Sabha election. But to let my readers know, I am not at all impressed by Advani’s blog. I have a message to my readers that “India is the only country in the world, where a person who is about to embrace his coffin contest for an election.” This is the biggest irony of our country, where the highest number of people are young.
The man who is widely known for a different reason in the past, has he really become changed man? Or is it an Obama effect that is haunting him? Or has he learnt anything form Narendra Modi who did the same? It’s really amazing, a smiling face with a message “welcome to the website of Shri L.K. Advani”. If you happen to browse, don’t be surprise he is in the Orkut, YouTube, Faceebook and countless faces of this old man in hundreds of popular web sites, you will definitely find. I have a doubt whether; he is the man who really represents the face vibrant India?
The country is in a critical situation. The country is half way of losing millions of jobs in the next couple of months. The rise of terror strikes and communal disturbances or the so called ‘the talibanisation of women’ are the major challenges that must be put to rest. It is high time; we need a leader who can save India – a leader who can shape lives of the common men. And above all we need a leader who does not subscribe to any particular ideology; after all, the purpose is to serve the people, not to serve the petty political interests. A political acumen cannot serve the country.
It’s widely acknowledged that only a leader who has societal acumen can be fit for the post of Prime Minister of the country. The leader who says ‘I am also thinking about the Ram Mandir’ will definitely only spoil the sanctity of the Parliament and certainly, Mahatma Gandhi will be upset in heaven. In a country like ours what we need is unity and prosperity. And this prosperity should be realised first in the village India. This can be achieved only by a leader who put his/her country first.
I am sure; the country will have to undergo an agony if the destiny becomes reality for Advaniji. Let’s see who will strike the ballot box in the coming Lok Sabha election. But to let my readers know, I am not at all impressed by Advani’s blog. I have a message to my readers that “India is the only country in the world, where a person who is about to embrace his coffin contest for an election.” This is the biggest irony of our country, where the highest number of people are young.
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