GUWAHATI: WWF-India AAPSO HS launched #GIVE UP TO GIVE BACK initiative in keeping with Earth Hour 2018 activities. The campaign aimed at inspiring organizations, institutions and individuals to make a choice to curb certain habits, practices and lifestyles, burdening the lives of people and the environment and chooses alternatives to Connect to Earth.
While Earth Hour consistently focused on climate change as a key call to action over the last decade, the 2018-2020 campaign broad based the conversation beyond climate change and calls on people across the world to take action and understand the inter-connectivity of people and our environment through relevant issues such as air, water, and energy.
Government organizations, PSUs, institution heads and individuals this time pledged in support of the "Give Up" campaign of WWF-India by giving up Paper Waste, Electronic Waste, Food Waste, Water Waste, Excess Plastic Waste, Energy Emissions and Transport Emissions.
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