Bodies of an elderly couple were recovered from Sonkosh River side on Friday night who were dragged out of their home by unknown miscreants at Polashguri village in Kokrajhar district. According to police, a couple from Polashguri village dragged out and killed for suspected witch hunting, whose bodies were recovered from Sonkosh River today about 4 km from their village. They were identified as Jumon Hembrom (48) and his wife Sania Hembrom (40). Police arrested 25 persons from the village in this connection. Investigation is on into incident, said a senior police officer in Kokrajhar.
KOKRAJHAR, Assam: The 55th Rabha Divosh, commemorating the legacy of Kalaguru Bishnu Prasad Rabha, was celebrated with a series of programs across the Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) districts on Thursday, June 20th.
Remembering Rabha's Contributions
The day was marked by tributes to Rabha, a revered figure who tirelessly advocated for the welfare and development of Assam. Various organizations, including the All Bodo Students Union (ABSU), held programs to honor his dedication to the upliftment of the greater Assamese society.
ABSU Organizes Events in Chirang and Kokrajhar
In Chirang, the ABSU central committee, along with the district committee, observed the Rabha Divosh at...
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