A wild elephant created havoc in Bamunjuli area of Udalguri district neighbouribg Indo-Bhutan border on Tuesday. The house of one Manju Deka was ransacked at about 3 am on Tuesday. Talking to Assam Times, Deka said "I and my daughter some how saved our lives. Our houses have been ransacked and all our rice consumed by the elephant." The poverty striken family is now looking for government's help.
UDALGURI: "We are now forced to feel that the very existence of indigenous population in India and particularly in Assam and other NE states is under severe threat from outsiders and illegal immigrants from the neighboring country." This was said by DR Nabla alias Ranjan Daimari, chairman of NDFB here at Udalguri town while addressing a congregation of indigenous people of Udalguri district on the occasion of Celebration of International Day of World's Indigenous Peoples on Thursday. The meeting to this effect was chaired by Dr. Prasenjit Daimari, principal of Tangla College and was addressed by Dr. Anjali Daimari, chairman of Boro Women's Justice Forum among many others. The...
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