Hours after they met Amit Shah in New Delhi on Saturday, parliamentary secretaries Bolin Chetia and Abu Taher Bepari put in papers. Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi has already accepted their resignations. Another parliamentary secretary Pradan Baruah resigned after Dr Himanta Biswa Sarma unofficially joined BJP.
Chandigarh: Former cricketer and politician Navjot Singh Sidhu has shared an inspiring story of his wife's recovery from cancer, attributing her remarkable progress to a strict diet plan inspired by ancient Indian Ayurveda, Nobel Prize-winning research on autophagy by Yoshinori Ohsumi, and guidance from medical experts. The plan, Sidhu revealed, helped his wife recover in just 40 days after undergoing surgeries, chemotherapy, and targeted therapies.
Speaking to the media, Sidhu expressed his gratitude for the holistic approach, which combined positivity, lifestyle changes, and a disciplined nutritional regimen. “Positivity, determination, and the right diet can create miracles,” he said...
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