The weather is clear. Durga puja festivity takes full grip across the state. Mahasaptami puja falls on Wednesday a day after the idols of the goddess of strength was installed. Tight security is in place at all puja pendals in Guwahati along with other cities fearing militant attacks. Security forces deployed in the various puja pendals have been monitoring the devotees with CCTVs at the instance of the district authorities. A special team of police has been visiting the puja pendals to supervise the security scenario in each of the districts. The Kamrup(metro) district administration has restricted the movement of vehicles in some selected roads after 2 in the afternoon. Devotees are thronging before the idols for puja offering from early in the morning. A section of puja pendals dazzles with electrical decoration pulling huge crowds especially at nights. The Durga puja pendals at Beltola steals the show.
Jaisalmer, Rajasthan: Today marks the commencement of the 3rd edition of Maru Manthan, a transformative forum orchestrated by the Desert Resource Centre and Urmul, in collaboration with desert communities. Held on February 9th and 10th, 2024, in the heart of Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, Maru Manthan stands as a beacon for celebrating the indomitable spirit of the desert and fostering sustainable solutions amidst its challenges.
The forum draws together an illustrious lineup of organizations and individuals dedicated to desert conservation and community empowerment. Representatives from esteemed entities such as the Foundation for Ecological Security, Ministry of Lowlands & Irrigation (...
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