Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi was on a stock taking visit to Goalpara on Sunday a week after the district was ravaged by the sudden flood waters. During his visit, Gogoi visited relief camps in Goalpara where 18 people lost their lives and over 5 lakhs have been rendered homeless. Immediately after landing in the district, the Chief Minister rushed to the relief camps at Bolbola, Agia, Kalyanpur and Bhalukdubi where he talked to the refugees. He assured them of steeped up effort to redress the grievances. He further directed the administration to ensure supply of adequate food, clean drinking water and medicines to the affected and asked authorities to rebuild the ravaged houses. Later in the day, he reviewed the situation and relief measures for the affected people in the district with Water Resources Minister Rajib Lochan Pegu and other senior officials.
Guwahati. WWF-India Assam State Office organized an evening program at Dighali pukhuri park with a walkathon and a performance by WWF volunteers and Assam Earth Hour Influencer Arghadeep Baruah and his band, "Bottle Rockets India", who performed using solar lights and candles on March 25.
In addition to these landmarks, the Hon’ble Governor of Assam, Shri Gulab Chand Kataria, issued a written message appealing to citizens to join in observing Earth Hour. Chief Minister Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma also participated by working with candlelight at Janata Bhavan. The Education Department of Assam supported Earth Hour by advising schools to participate in the campaign.
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