Additional DGP Rajkumar Chandranathan is camping at Srinagar to help Jammu and Kashmir ensure smooth relief and rescue operation in the food hit state. The Special Branch (SB) Control Room has received enquiry from family members of 121 personnel of different government agencies working in J&K and enquiry has also been received from family members of 46 tourists who are stranded in J&K.
Diets rich in ultra-processed foods have long been associated with a myriad of health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cognitive decline, and even premature death. However, the vast category of ultra-processed foods encompasses a wide range of products, from seemingly benign options like whole-grain bread and plant-based milk to more obvious culprits like hot dogs and sugary sodas.
A recent groundbreaking study led by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health has shed new light on the specific types of ultra-processed foods that pose the greatest risk to heart health. This comprehensive study, published in The Lancet Regional Health-Americas, analyzed data...
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