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AGM of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva

The third Annual General Meeting of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva was held on May 4, 2014 in the conference hall of Tourist Lodge, Nagaon. It was presided over by Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti, President of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva. The annual report and balance sheet for the year 2013-2014 were presented and approved in the AGM.

The AGM expressed grave concern over distortion of Sankari culture by a section of artistes and asserted that the purity of Srimanta Sankaradeva’s creations must be preserved. The rendering of songs and hymns composed by the saint should be accurate, the members strongly opined. It was stressed that classical resources of Srimanta Sankaradeva must not be modernized.

The general body resolved to undertake several programmes in the next financial year in and outside Assam. These proposed activities are several workshops on Sanchipat preparation and painting, a workshop on Aharjya of Bhaona, a workshop on Bhaona performance, a national seminar on Srimanta Sankaradeva, a lecture programme, felicitation of Sankari artisans and publication of brochures. Collaboration proposals by Batadrava Than, Satkara Sattriya Society, A.D.P. College etc were also approved by the general body for several programmes on Sankari culture.

Regarding the society’s demand for inclusion of materials on Srimanta Sankaradeva in NCERT syllabus, the general body was informed that the society has been pursuing it and already sent requisite materials to NCERT with request to incorporate those in curriculum.

A new Governing Body was formed after the former body relinquished charge. The newly formed Governing Body of Society for Srimanta Sankaradeva for the period 2014-2017 is as given below :

1. Dr Sanjib Kumar Borkakoti, President
2. Dr Mukut Gohain, Vice President
3. Nataraj Das, Vice President
4. Pradip Hazarika, Co-ordinator & Treasurer
5. Ashim Dutta, Admin of websites
6. Mridumaucham Bora, General Secretary
7. Anjana Tamuli, Assistant General Secretary
8. Dr Buljit Buragohain, Media in-charge
9. Tilok Bora
10. Bijit Dutta
11. Nafisa Hussain
12. Jyotimani Das
13. Neilh M. Gautam
14. Devanjan Bora
15. Pramathranjan Das

Pradip Hazarika, Co-ordinator & Treasurer presented the balance sheet and accounts for 2013-14, which were approved. Total amount operated in the year was Rs 2,07,918. Neilh M. Gautam, the outgoing  General Secretary addressed by conference call and his report for 2013-14 was approved. The AGM was addressed by Dr Buljit Buragohain, Ranjan Bezbarua, Anjana Tamuli, Jyotimani Das, Mridumaucham Bora and Nafisa Hussain. Special thanks were given by the members to the non-resident Assamese, who supported the felicitation programme of Sankari artisans by the society.

Author info

Dr Buljit Buragohain's picture

Dr. Buljit Buragohain Head and Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering, School of Technology, Assam Don Bosco University, Azara, Guwahati, Assam

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