Chief minister Tarun Gogoi on Wednesday tendered apology before that people admitting his failure to ensure uninterrupted power supply in the time of scorching heat. Talking to reporters in Guwahati, Gogoi said that the crisis has erupted after ONGC’s failure to ensure adequate gas to run the thermal power. His candid admission took place when BJP’s prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi in huge display in the local dailies dared Gogoi to come clean on the poor power scenario in the state.
Dibrugarh - The North-East Affected Area Development Society (NEADS) and the Environmental Forum of Assam, in collaboration with the Centre for Social Work Studies at Dibrugarh University, successfully hosted a two-day 'People's Dialogue on Development Discourse in North East India' from August 28th to 29th. The event, held at the Vikshan conference hall of Dibrugarh University, gathered a diverse group of regional stakeholders to engage in insightful conversations aimed at reshaping development approaches in the North-East.
The North-East region of India, known for its cultural diversity and unique geography, has often been a focal point for discussions on development, infrastructure,...
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