Scholars from northeastern IITs, IIMs, IMTs and Engineering Colleges are holding a two day national conference 7-8 March on Emerging Global Trends in Engineering and Technology (EGTET). The fifth annual engineering and technology conference is organized by AssamDonBoscoUniversitySchool of Technology at Azara to explore the latest developments in the various branches of Engineering and Technology.
“EGTET 2014 is an ideal platform for Industry Professionals, Researchers, Engineers and Academicians from all over the country to share views and present their findings and have intellectual deliberations on emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology,” says Convener Dr Sunandan Baruah.
He adds, “As in the past four years, the conference focus on initiatives that promote research and developmental activities in the disciplines of Computer Science Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Basic Sciences.”
Besides 130 registered participants from northeast and around the country, some 50 special invitees are participating.
Prof Nayan Sharma from Water Resources Development and Management Department, IIT Roorkee In his keynote address impressed upon the participants on the “urgent need to accelerate pace of all around development of Assam / Northeastern Region for employment generation, and reduction of burgeoning economic disparity.”
Dr Sharma, a Bosconian, exhorted the scholars to “adopt strict professional inter-disciplinary approach as per state-of-the-art technology, and formulate technically sound blue-print for rapid economic development in Assam / Northeast Region.”
The chief guest for the inaugural session was Kumar Sanjay Krishna, IAS, Principal Secretary, Planning and Development, Govt of Assam. He launched the first e-publication of AssamDonBoscoUniversity’s School of Technology “ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology (AJET).”
Mr Kumar Sanjay insisted upon the need of “Innovation in engineering to stay ahead.”
The Vice Chancellor of Assam Don Bosco University Dr Stephen Mavely, inaugurated the conference and highlighted the ferment of thought, teaching and learning process, and mentioned a series of national and international seminars that were held on the following topics: Research Methodology, Open Source Software, International Education Conference, Global Trends in Engineering Technology, and the upcoming conference on Self Help Groups.
Prof. Nirmal Kr. Choudhury, Ex-Vice Chancellor, GauhatiUniversity was also a guest of honour.
The two-day conference features 15 sessions in total with 15 guest speakers who will chair the sessions in four parallel track events.
Papers are divided into the following topics: Digital Processing, Nano Technology, Networking, Electronics, Electrical, and Communication / Image Processing.
Only 96 papers were selected out of 158 papers received. Of these 68 papers are being presented in four parallel sessions. Remaining 28 papers will be presented as “poster presentations,” with prize for the best.
Special feature of this conference is the “Poster Presentations” during which 28 scientific papers will be presented through posters on display at the atrium. END
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