A day boarding centre with the most modern facility in the region — KidsCareHub, located in Rajgarh, Byelane-1, Chandmari, Guwahati, was inaugurated on January 2 by the state’s noted writer and the Editor of the popular Nandini magazine, Maini Mahanta. A brainchild of founder and CEO, Manashi Das, who is also the Child Development Associate of America’s Ashworth College, Georgia, the centre is a combination of a daycare and an early childhood learning facility for children from 6 months up to 5 years. After spending more than 15 years of her life in different parts of USA and Canada, Manashi developed an urge to impart and share the learning style to her birth place. And this is how she conceptualised the idea of ‘KidzCareHub’. Based on age and a child’s development stages, the centre has categorized four different groups – Infant (6 months to 18 months), Freshman (1.5 years to 2.5 years), Sophomore (2.5 to 3.5 years) and JumpStart (3.5 years to 5 years).
The centre aims to create a wholesome early childhood learning program that embraces all domains of a child’s development. With that end, it has designed a curriculum that strives to protect and enhance the cognitive instincts of a child in a spacious, well-resourced, warm and inviting environment. The Hi-Tech dayboarding cum early childhood learning centre contains many types of toys, slides, story books, puzzles, bedding, a LED TV, among other things. Maini Mahanta feels that the day care boarding centre will immensely support working parents cope with anxiety and fear. The opening of the centre was also graced by Payal Agarwal Jain, founder of the popular Facebook group ‘Guwahati Moms Tribe’, and Purabi Gogoi Das, Business Development Head of the software development firm ‘Skaplink Technologies’. The day-care-centre also boasts of hi-tech safety features and video streaming facilities, which are one big assurance for working parents. Keeping in mind the need to provide the safest space for the children, the centre has CCTV surveillance for parents to rest their worries and check in on their children from time to time. Library rooms, Nap rooms and infant rooms are fitted with high quality padded walls and floors to ensure a safe playing and resting space for the kids. The children will be constantly under the supervision of highly trained teachers and an efficient staff. As part of their wellness, it also has a pediatrician and a dentist on board. While, the kids spend their entire day at the daycare, the centre will strive to provide them a healthy and tasty diet that meets their nutritional requirements for the day without parents having to worry about packing food and sending off.
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