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February 2009

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Appointment letters distributed

18 Aug 2017 - 9:42pm | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
Altogether 80 teachers  received appointment letters for the post of headteacher and assistant headteacher in High Schools at a programme held at BTC secretariat conference hall in Kokrajhar...

Addl Chief Secy to probe police firing

23 Jun 2011 - 9:51pm | editor
The Assam government has ordered a probe into the Wednesday’s police firing in Dispur where 3 people including a minor boy died. According to information, additional chief secretary Surajit...

Food, transportation for passengers stranded in airport, railway stations

13 Dec 2019 - 3:08pm | AT News
Government is arranging food, medicine, water and transportation for passengers stranded in Guwahati airport, Paltan Bazar railway station, and ISBT. Transportation is also being arranged for...

APCU media talk on 30 May

24 May 2016 - 11:12pm | AT News
Assam Press Correspondents’ Union has organized a media talk on 30 May at its head office in Champak Nagar locality of Guwahati. Senior journalist Nava Thakuria, writer Dr Akashitora with few others...