25 Oct 2013 - 9:30pm | AT News
Assam BJP will go it alone in the forticoming Lok Sabha polls. Talking to reporters on Friday state unit president Sarbananda Sonowal said that the party has no dearth of strength to fight the polls...
12 Feb 2014 - 8:52am | AT News
Assam Higher secondary examination begins in science, arts and commerce streams on Wednesday.According to the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council over 2,54,000 candidates are appearing ...
28 Mar 2015 - 6:08pm | Hantigiri Narzary
As few days has left to the BTC election, violence witnesses within party supporters late last night in Banargaon constituency with two BPF and one BJP election offices vandalised and torched in...
30 Jan 2014 - 2:53pm | AT News
BPF legislators have asked the Congress leadership to ensure the victory of Biswajeet Daimary in the Rajya Sabha polls otherwise the candidate would pull out of the poll process.Immediately after...