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August 2007

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Medhi sent to jail again

6 May 2014 - 11:58am | AT News
A lower court on Monday sent Kamal Medhi to jail after he was produced before it in connection with a fresh case against him.Amid tight security, police produced the KMSS general secretary before the...

First phase of assembly election begins

4 Apr 2016 - 9:17am | AT News
Assam goes to the polls today in 65 constituencies. Today's poll will decide the fate of 539 candidates.

NE India’s first college radio starts broadcast

9 Dec 2016 - 10:53am | CM Paul
“It is indeed a proud moment for me and for the entire North Bengal University (NBU) family as we launch the first college community radio under NBU as well as entire West Bengal,” said Under...

Anna bats for Akhil

7 Mar 2014 - 3:59pm | AT News
Anna Hazare on Friday rallied behind Akhil Gogoi five days after the KMSS president was arrested in connection with the recent self immolation case.The Gandhian leader has already sent his emissary...