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Thursday, December 4, 2014 - 20:11
Good news for BPL families. Courtesy Dispur. The government is all set to introduce a total health...

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West meets East: Schopenhauer and India

17 May 2011 - 11:38am | editor
There is a recent revival of interest in Schopenhauer studies in India with the impetus generated from the sincere and meticulous efforts made by IDSS in collaboration with Schopenhauer Research...

Documentary film screened

14 Dec 2015 - 9:28am | Hantigiri Narzary
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Sundaram to investigate SP EAC scuffle

24 Sep 2019 - 10:51am | AT Kokrajhar Bureau
Lower Assam Commissioner SS Meenakshi Sundaram has started investigation into the alleged scuffle between Kokrajhar SP Rajen Singh And EAC Sailen Das recently at Gaurang Valley Hotel Kokrajhar....

Awards for protection and conservation of bio-resources

6 Apr 2013 - 11:51am | Dr Bibhab Talukdar
In an attempt to encourage and bring to the light some outstanding  but  silent efforts put by  certain individuals and  groups towards protection and conservation of bio-...

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