25 Dec 2015 - 10:30pm | Hantigiri Narzary
Suspected money looter vandalised an ATM along the JD Road near Mijingk Nwgwr early hours this morning in Kokrajhar town. According to police, a group of four-five persons came on a Bolero vehicle...
25 Apr 2019 - 10:24am | AT News
Many issues confronting the north eastern region have been left unnoticed amid the heat and dust of the recent electioneering much to the surprise of the knowledgeable circle.
8 Feb 2023 - 9:44am | Dr Buljit Buragohain
On February 7th, the Mechanical Engineering Department of the Assam Don Bosco University School of Technology hosted an Alumni Talk at the Azara campus conference hall. The head of the department, Dr...
6 Feb 2018 - 5:00pm | Akshaya Pranab Kalita
n NAMRUP: The Centre is fully committed to uplift the Namrup fertilizer since it has been the backbone for the north east's agriculture based economy. This was more or less of what Anant Kumar...