The Central Bureau of Investigation is likely to move the Supreme Court a day after Gauhati questioned its validity under the Delhi Police Act, 1963. According to sources, the Centre is weighing options to approach the apex court challenging the Gauhati High Court order. The verdict was passed after the court took up a plea against CBI in connection with a case of criminal conspiracy where the investigation agency chargesheet a BSNL officer in a cheating case to be quashed by the court. Many legal experts across the country called the verdict a shocking.
In an effort to cultivate a deeper understanding of nature and sustainability among children, WWF-India launched its whole school programme, Ek Prithvi, in 2016. Since its inception, the programme has empowered over 145,200 students in 11 states by building environmental awareness, knowledge, and skills, and enabling action for conservation. Amid the pandemic, the programme went digital with the "One Earth One Home" initiative, reaching millions of students across 16 states and union territories in 10 languages, including all districts of Assam.
WWF-India's Assam chapter commenced the Ek Prithvi programme in 2019, partnering with the SCERT, Government of Assam, to launch the programme in...
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