Bollywood actor-director Amir Khan in on a 5 days personal visit to Assam. Accompanied by his family members, the Loogan director landed at the Salonibari airport at 1 pm on Wednesday and straightly left for the Circuit House where is lodging. On Thursday he celebrated his wife's birthday. Sources told assamtimes that Amir Khan would visit the Kaziranga National park along with some place of interest.
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) today extended the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958, to six police stations across five districts in Manipur. This decision, effective immediately, will remain in place until March 31, 2025.
The affected areas include Sekmai, Lamsang, Lamlai, Jiribam, Leimakhong, and Moirang police stations in Imphal West, Imphal East, Jiribam, Kangpokpi, and Bishnupur districts. The extension is aimed at empowering security forces to conduct coordinated operations and address the ongoing ethnic violence and insurgent activity in the region.
The MHA's decision follows a comprehensive review of the security situation in Manipur, which continues to be volatile...
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