Police got remand of 4 accused in the sensational Azara case where two women were gangraped and killed on October. Chief judicial magistrate remanded all the four accused for 7 days when they were produced before the court on Saturday afternoon. Then they were taken to Panbazar police station for further interrogation. On the other hand, a team of forensic experts have collected samples from the various spots to unearth the details of the case.
On the occasion of his birth centenary this year, Jyotiprasad Medhi Award in Mathematical Sciences is announced by his family. Professor Jyotiprasad Medhi was a world renowned scholar in Statistics who was born on 1st July 1924 in Ramdia, Assam. He received his D.Sc. (with Tres Honorable) from the University of Paris (Sorbonne) in 1956 and returned to Assam to teach at Gauhati University where he later became the Head of the Department in Statistics, Dean of Faculty of Science, and Acting Vice-Chancellor. His textbooks on Stochastic Processes and Queueing Theory are widely used for teaching in many academic institutions around the world. He passed away on 3rd February 2017 at the age of 92...
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