Tinsukia Chief Judicial Magistrate N S Deori sentenced former Kakopathar Block Development Officer Alizur Rehman Bora and Extension Officer Kshitij Kakati to seven years RI along with a fine of Rs 50,000 each. The duo were convicted for selling PDS rice, meant to be sold to BPL section at Rs two, at Rs 12-14 in 2007.
A milestone event celebrating the literary contributions of Bodo women writers was held on Monday at the Nativers Institute of Bodology (NIB) in Kokrajhar. The programme, organized by the Bodo Women Writers' Association, witnessed the unveiling of 15 books authored by women writers from the Bodoland region.
Prominent personalities, including Dr. Surath Narzary, president of the Bodo Sahitya Sabha, and Dr. Adaram Basumatary, principal of Kokrajhar Girls' College, graced the occasion as guests of honor.
The collection of books showcased diverse genres, including nine poetry anthologies, two short story compilations, and four critical essays. Notable authors like Anju Basumatary, Virgin...
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