Defying the countrywide resistance, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Saturday welcomed the 51 per cent FDI in multi-brand retail. Talking to reporters in Delhi on Saturday he said that those opposed to it should not prevent others. He called the decision a bold one and said that under no circumstances should it be reversed. According to him, it would benefit the farmers, consumers and boost the rural economy with the setting up of cold storage and other infrastructure. Gogoi was among the first to ask the Centre to take the decision of FDI in multi-brand retail as it would help in the growth of small and medium enterprises, cottage industries and overall rural economy.
The 61st NEC Plenary Meet was held on 27-06-2012 in New Delhi where the Hon’ble Members of the Council i.e. His Excellencies the Governors and Hon’ble Chief Ministers of North Eastern States and their representatives had attended the brain storming sessions and the Planery session. Issues pertaining to the North Eastern States such as development of Transport and Communication, Tele-communication, Civil Aviation, Railways, Development of various Sectors that are crucial to the economic progress of the regions were discussed. Special presentations on the Action Plan prepared for North Eastern Region will be made by Ministry of Railways, Ministry of Road Transport and...
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